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atmospy - Python package for atmospheric physics

The package can be obtained from the svn (Subversion) server as follows:

 svn co atmospy

Information for developers

Please check the README file for some documentation of the directory structure. The directories “libradtran, atmosdata, atmosphy” should include functions which can be imported in python sessions. The directory “visualization” should include plotting scripts. You may include new directories for other scripts.

svn works very similar to cvs, the most often used commands are:

svn co Check out svn package
svn up Update svn package
svn status Status of your working copy
svn diff Differences to the repository
svn add Add a file/directory to the repository
svn commit Commit changes to the repository
svn rm Remove file/directory from the repository
svn mv Rename files/directories (this is not possible with cvs)
svn co -r {2013-09-14}Checkout version of specific date

The GUI kdesvn is nice to browse the subversion repository, it is easy to compare different versions and to track the history.

The svn-package is readable by everyone belonging to “Lehrstuhl Mayer”, writable only for developers (so far Daniel, Robert, Marius, Bernhard, Claudia, Daniel Merk). (The login is the campus account, in my case the user name is Claudia.Emde, the usual password.)

Documentation about svn is available at

python/atmospy_package.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/04 08:39 (external edit)