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Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Course

Objective: To understand the basic principles of radiative transfer, relevant for the remote sensing of atmosphere and surface from space, by developing a complete Monte Carlo radiative transfer model from scratch.

Approach: Practical, participants will develop their own Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. There will be lectures in the morning, and practical programming in the afternoon.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in radiative transfer, mathematics, and programming.

Scientific content: Development and test of a Monte Carlo model to simulate radiative transfer in the Earth's atmosphere:

  • Statistics (basics of Monte Carlo approach)
  • Absorption by atmospheric trace gases
  • Rayleigh scattering by molecules
  • Mie scattering by cloud droplets
  • Surface reflection

Language: English, if there are participants who do not speak German. Otherwise German.

Date: SS 2024: 08 - 12 April 2024

Location: LMU, Theresienstr. 37, A234 (Besprechungsraum)

Every day we will start at 10:15 and finish at about 17:00. On the last afternoon (12 April) there will be oral exams. The course counts 3 ECTS points for the Master program in Meteorology/Physics.

Please send me an email if you like to participate.

teaching/monte_carlo/monte_carlo.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/09 14:45 (external edit)