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Estimation of the variability of mesoscale energy spectra with three years of COSMO-DE analyses



In our recent paper we investigate the variability of the spectrum using three years of COSMO-DE kilometer-resolution analyses. It is shown that the mesoscale kinetic energy spectrum is highly variable in time, but a pronounced minimum in variability is found on scales around 100 km. Our findings suggest that the spectral slope and amplitude on the mesoscale range is governed by an ever-changing combination of the up- and downscale impacts from larger and smaller scales, rather than by a universal, intrinsically mesoscale dynamical mechanism.


Selz, T., L. Bierdel, and G. C. Craig, 2019: Estimation of the variability of mesoscale energy spectra with three years of COSMO-DE analyses. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0155.1