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The following content is the part of the Faculty of Physics course programme which is offered by the Meteorological Institute. Here you can find most current information and changes. Complete overview over the full course of study can be found at the LSF (Lehre Studium Forschung) system of the LMU

The courses of past semesters and the planned courses for the upcoming semester can be found here: Lecture archive and plans.

Course programme for summer semester 2024

Start Number Bachelor Lecturer Modules (new)
15.04.2024Meteorologie I
Mo. 10-12 und Di. 10-11, B101
15.04.2024Physik der Atmosphäre
Mo. 14-16 und Mi. 10-11, A248
16.04.2024Dynamische Meteorologie I
Di. 14-16 und Do. 10-11, A248
16.04.2024Übungen zu Meteorologie I
Di. 11-12, B101
Richard Maier
17.04.2024 Meteorologisches Praktikum
Mi. 14-16, B101
Zinner, Rupp
17.04.2024Übungen zu Physik der Atmosphäre
Mi. 11-12, A248
Anna Weber
18.04.2024 Fernerkundung
Do.14-16, A248
18.04.2024Übungen zu Dynamische Meteorologie I
Do. 11-12, A248
19.04.2024 Synoptik II
Fr. 10-12, B101
Bachelor Literaturseminar
Anmeldung bis zum 19.4.2024 beim Dozenten
Blockveranstaltung 26/27 Juni 2024,
Keil, Kneifel
Start Number Master Lecturer Modules (new)
17.04.202417163Cloud Physics
Mi. 12-14 und Do. 12-14, B101
KneifelWP11, WP12
15.04.2024Advanced Atmospheric Observation and Data Processing Techniques
Mo.16-18 und Fr. 14-16, A245,
WenigWP11, WP12
15.04.2024Active Remote Sensing (Lidar, Radar)
Mo.10-12, A248
Groß, EwaldWP14, WP16
16.04.2024 Numerical Weather Prediction
Di. 10-12 und Fr. 10-12, A248
CraigWP9, WP10
16.04.2024Aviation and Climate
Di. 14-16, B101
RappWP15, WP17
17.04.2024 Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics 2
Mi. 10-12 und Do. 10-12, B101
CraigWP10, WP13
17.04.2024Klimaänderung II
Mi. 16-18, A248
SausenWP15, WP17
17.04.2024Climate dynamics, climate modeling, climate change
Mi. 14-16 u. Fr. 12-14, A248,
Schmidt, Garny, TârziuWP15, WP17
18.04.2024 Natural Disasters - Biometeorology
Do. 16-18, A248
HöppeWP16, WP17
8.4.2024-12.4.2024Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer
Room A234
Block course,
EmdeWP14, WP16
9.10.24 and 10.10.24Meteorological Seminar for Master students - Ocean currents and climate change
registration with organizer until July 15
2 day block seminar ,

Academic counseling:
Christian Keil (Off. A224, Tel. 2180-4447), Tobias Zinner (Off. A222, Tel. 2180-4289)
as well as all professors by appointment

B101 = seminar room B 101 Theresienstraße 39/ 1st floor
B051 = lecture hall B 051 Theresienstraße 37/ ground floor
A248 = seminar room A248 Theresienstraße 37/ 2nd floor