8 years of continuous ceilometer measurements
Today the ninth year of continuous ceilometer measurements starts: a Lufft CHM15kx-system was installed by 12 June 2009 on the roof platform of the MIM. It provides particle backscatter coefficients at 1064 nm. Near real time "quicklooks" of the range corrected signal show cloud information (cover, height, extent) and the aerosol stratification (mixing layer height, elevated layers) over Munich. The most "famous event" was the detection of the ash-layer of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption during 16./17. April 2010. Since then the benefit of ceilometers is widely recognized in particular with the implementation of networks by several national networks. Researcher of the MIM have significantly contributed to the increasing exploitation of ceilometer measuements for aerosol profiling by studies on calibration, water vapor correction, validation of chemistry transport models, quality assurance, and the determination of the mixing layer height.