LMU cloud spectrometers operating on HALO as part of the international field experiment EUREC4A in the subtropical Atlantic
20.01.2020 – 20.02.2020
EUREC4A the initiative for "Elucidating the role of clouds-circulation couplingin climate" investigates the interaction between clouds, convection and circulation and their role in a changing climate: What is the effect of variations in the strength of convective mixing, surface turbulence and large-scale circulations sensitive on the shallow cumulus cloud amount? How are the influenced by radiative effects of water vapor and clouds? To what extent do mesoscale patterns of convective organization condition the response of clouds to perturbations? To answer some of these questions, four research aircraft and four ships of European and US-American partners operate mainly in the Atlantic region east of Barbados. On the German HALO aircraft MIM operates its cloud spectrometer specMACS, collecting spectral and polarized image information on the observed clouds.