Amazon: The MIM cloud spectrometer specMACS mounted on the research aircraft HALO collects data on aerosols and convection-microphysics.
03.09.2014 – 02.10.2014
To better understand the processes influencing the development and life cycle of clouds, the research campaign ACRIDICON-CHUVA (Aerosol, Cloud, Precipitation and Radiation Interactions and Dynamics of Convective Cloud Systems) was conducted in September/October 2014 in the Amazon region around Manaus, Brazil. The DLR participated with its research aircraft HALO. A MIM-team contributed with the cloud spectrometer specMACS and collected around 12TB of spectrally resolved images of convective clouds. In combination with in-situ measurements of partner-universities, a valuable data set was created, which can be used for the investigation of the interaction of radiation, clouds and aerosols over the rainforest.
The spectrometer data is analyzed in collaboration with the Leipziger Institut für Meteorologie. The campaign was conducted in collaboration with the Brazilian CHUVA-Project and the American GOAmazon-Campaign.