Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting (HErZ)
The Hans-Ertel Centre for Weather Research (HErZ) is a virtual centre funded by the German Weather Service that conducts basic research to avance weather prediction and climate monitoring. The HErZ group at LMU is one of five branches of HErZ. Its research is focused on data assimilation and ensemble prediction with a primary emphasis on satellite data assimilation and the representation of model error in high-resolution, convection-permitting modelling systems.
The working group is part of the Chair of Theoretical Meteorology (Prof. Craig).
Satellite data assimilation
How can cloud-related and cloud-contaminated satellite observations be used in data assimilation?
Observation impact [German]
How much does the assimilation of different observations contribute to the reduction of forecast errors and how can we estimate the contribution based on ensemble information?
Validation and Assimilation of Aeolus
What is the impact of Aeolus satellite wind observations on numerical weather prediction?
Data assimilation algorithms
How can we modify data assimilation algorithms to treat nonlinearity and non-Gaussian error statistics?
Assimilation of aircraft and radar observations
How can high-resolution radar and aircraft measurements be assimilated to improve thunderstorm forecasts?